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In March 1977 Ratzinger was appointed archbishop of Munich and Freising by Paul VI, who bestowed the cardinal’s hat on him three months later. On November 25, 1981, he was made prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith by his friend Pope John Paul II (1978–2005), whom he had known well since 1977. The pope and his prefect shared a similar history, both having lived under totalitarian regimes, and their views concerning the church were substantially the same. For more than two decades, Ratzinger was the pope’s closest adviser.

In January 2022 a report written by a German law firm found that Benedict XVI had failed to act over four cases of child abuse when he was in charge as Archbishop of Munich. [10] He has denied these reports. [10] Pope [ change | change source ] To regard development as a vocation is to recognize, on the one hand, that it derives from a transcendent call, and on the other hand that it is incapable, on its own, of supplying its ultimate meaning. Not without reason the word “vocation” is also found in another passage of the Encyclical, where we read: “There is no true humanism but that which is open to the Absolute, and is conscious of a vocation which gives human life its true meaning.” [37] This vision of development is at the heart of Populorum Progressio, and it lies behind all Paul VI's reflections on freedom, on truth and on charity in development. It is also the principal reason why that Encyclical is still timely in our day. In Populorum Progressio, Paul VI taught that progress, in its origin and essence, is first and foremost a vocation: “in the design of God, every man is called upon to develop and fulfil himself, for every life is a vocation.” [34] This is what gives legitimacy to the Church's involvement in the whole question of development. If development were concerned with merely technical aspects of human life, and not with the meaning of man's pilgrimage through history in company with his fellow human beings, nor with identifying the goal of that journey, then the Church would not be entitled to speak on it. Paul VI, like Leo XIII before him in Rerum Novarum [35], knew that he was carrying out a duty proper to his office by shedding the light of the Gospel on the social questions of his time [36].The significant new elements in the picture of the development of peoples today in many cases demand new solutions. These need to be found together, respecting the laws proper to each element and in the light of an integral vision of man, reflecting the different aspects of the human person, contemplated through a lens purified by charity. Remarkable convergences and possible solutions will then come to light, without any fundamental component of human life being obscured. The principal new feature has been the explosion of worldwide interdependence, commonly known as globalization. Paul VI had partially foreseen it, but the ferocious pace at which it has evolved could not have been anticipated. Originating within economically developed countries, this process by its nature has spread to include all economies. It has been the principal driving force behind the emergence from underdevelopment of whole regions, and in itself it represents a great opportunity. Nevertheless, without the guidance of charity in truth, this global force could cause unprecedented damage and create new divisions within the human family. Hence charity and truth confront us with an altogether new and creative challenge, one that is certainly vast and complex. It is about broadening the scope of reason and making it capable of knowing and directing these powerful new forces, animating them within the perspective of that “civilization of love” whose seed God has planted in every people, in every culture. Mit-2 ta’ Jannar 2023, il-katavru ta' Benedettu kien espost fil- Bażilika ta’ San Pietru. [5] Il-funeral sar fiil-5 January 2023 fi Pjazza San Pietru fid 9:30 am u kien iċċelebrat mill-Papa Franġisku u l-kardinal Giovanni Battista Re. [6] L-Isqof Georg Ganswein, is-segretarju personali tiegħu mill-2003, u l-Isqof Diego Ravelli, għalliem taċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet liturġiċi, kienu preżenti ukoll għall- funeral. [7] Din kienet l-ewwel darba li Papa attenda funeral għall-predeċessur tiegħu. In- New York Times iddeskriviet dan bħala "preċedent mhux tas-soltu". [8] Attendew il-funderal aktar minn 100,000 persuna minkejja temp kiesaħ. [9] Referenzi [ immodifika | immodifika s-sors ] CNA. "Funeral of Benedict XVI: Everything you need to know". Catholic News Agency (bl-Ingliż) . Miġbur 2023-01-05.

During his long academic career, Ratzinger wrote a number of important theological works, including Introduction to Christianity (1968) and Dogma and Revelation (1973). His work in theology attracted the attention of the archbishop of Cologne, Joseph Frings, who asked Ratzinger to serve as his expert assistant at the Second Vatican Council (1962–65). One of the more progressive figures at the council, Ratzinger opposed those who hoped to limit reform. He contributed to a document that severely criticized the Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office and that eventually led to its reorganization by Pope Paul VI (1963–78) as the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Ratzinger’s university years, however, brought about a transformation of his views. The student protests and denunciations of Christianity that he witnessed while teaching at Tübingen reminded him of the tactics of the Nazis and gradually led him to adopt a more conservative theological perspective. Fl-aħħar mill-aħħar jinħtieġ li l-“eros” u l-“agape” qatt ma jinqatgħu għall-kollox minn xulxin; anzi, aktar ma t-tnejn – għalkemm fi gradi differenti – isibu bilanċ bejniethom, aktar isseħħ in-natura awtentika tal-imħabba. GĦalkemm l-“eros” għall-ewwel tibda b’xenqa, hi u tersaq lejn il-parti l-oħra, tibda tistaqsi inqas u inqas dwarha nfisha u tfittex iżjed u iżjed l-hena tal-parti l-oħra; hi tagħti ruħha lill-parti l-oħra u tibda tixtieq “tkun hemm” minħabba l-parti l-oħra. Hekk naħa ssir parti mill-parti l-oħra; u dan ikun il-mument tal-“agape.”


Fil-kelmtejn ta’ qabel tal-ktieb, il-Papa jagħmilha ċara li l-punt li fuqu hu mibni l-ktieb hu li “Mingħajr rabta ma’ Alla l-persuna ta’ Ġesù tidher dell irreali u ma titfissirx”. Hu jittratta lil Ġesù min-naħa tal-għaqda mal-Missier, li hija ċ-ċentru tal-personalita’ tiegħu, u mingħajrha wieħed ma jifhem xejn, fil-waqt li permezz tagħha Ġesù jsir preżenti fostna llum. B’Ġesù, Alla daħal tabilħaqq fl-istorja reali. Jekk inwarrbu din l-istorja, il-fidi Nisranija fiha nfisha tispiċċa fix-xejn u tinbidel f’forma oħra ta’ reliġjon. Il-Papa jkompli jgħid li huwa pprova jippreżenta lil Ġesù tal-Vanġeli bħala Ġesù l-veru, Ġesù tal-istorja fis-sens uniku. Ġesù tal-Vanġeli huwa figura storikament bis-sens u konvinċenti. Il-Papa jgħid li dan il-ktieb huwa frott tal-istudju personali tiegħu fuq “il-wiċċ” tal-Mulej” (S 27:8), li ilu sejjer is-snin. Huwa jkompli jgħid li billi ma jafx kemm sa jingħata żmien u saħħa, iddeċieda li jippublika l-ewwel għaxar kapitli, dawk mill-Magħmudija fil-Ġordan sa l-istqarrija ta’ Pietru u t-Trasfigurazzjoni, bħala l-ewwel ktieb. Fit-tieni parti bi ħsiebu jittratta t-tfulija ta’ Ġesù imma deherlu li kien aktar urġenti li jippreżenta l-figura u l-messaġġ ta’ Ġesù fl-attivita’ pubblika tiegħu, biex jgħin lill-qarrejja ikabbru relazzjoni ħajja miegħu. Nhar il-Ħadd 18 t'April 2010 il-Papa kkonċelebra Quddiesa fuq il-Fosos tal-Furjana. Fl-omelija tiegħu, il-Papa qal li sa mill-wasla tiegħu nhar is-Sibt filgħaxija, ingħata l-istess merħba mill-qalb li l-antenati Maltin taw lill-Appostlu San Pawl fis-sena 60. Filwaqt li qal li San Ġorġ Preca għandu jservi bħala mudell għall-poplu Malti, il-Papa ħeġġeġ lill-Maltin biex ikomplu jgħożżu l-fidi u l-valuri li kienu mwassla lilhom minn San Pawl. L-iktar aħbar li ġibdet l-attenzjoni tal-media lokali u internazzjonali, kienet il-laqgħa li l-Papa kellu, ftit wara l-Quddiesa, mal-allegati vittmi ta’ abbuż sesswali minn saċerdoti Maltin, li fiha l-Papa assigurahom li l-Knisja kienet se tkompli tinvestiga dawn l-allegazzjonijiet u wiegħed li jimplimenta miżuri meħtieġa biex jiggarantixxi li każijiet simili ma jerġgħux iseħħu. Il-Papa kkanonizza lill-Isqof Rafael Guizar y Valencia, Madre Theodore Guerin, Filippo Smaldone, u Rosa Venerini fil-15 ta' Ottubru 2006. Intant, il-ktieb, li kien tradott f’madwar 18-il lingwa, jindirizza kwistjonijiet oħra wkoll, li jinkludu l-iskandli marbuta ma’ abbużi sesswali minn membri tal-kleru, ċ-ċelebat u l-ordinazzjoni saċerdotali tan-nisa. The Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Nuntiandi, for its part, is very closely linked with development, given that, in Paul VI's words, “evangelization would not be complete if it did not take account of the unceasing interplay of the Gospel and of man's concrete life, both personal and social.” [30] “Between evangelization and human advancement — development and liberation — there are in fact profound links” [31]: on the basis of this insight, Paul VI clearly presented the relationship between the proclamation of Christ and the advancement of the individual in society. Testimony to Christ's charity, through works of justice, peace and development, is part and parcel of evangelization, because Jesus Christ, who loves us, is concerned with the whole person. These important teachings form the basis for the missionary aspect [32] of the Church's social doctrine, which is an essential element of evangelization [33]. The Church's social doctrine proclaims and bears witness to faith. It is an instrument and an indispensable setting for formation in faith.

Because it is filled with truth, charity can be understood in the abundance of its values, it can be shared and communicated. Truth, in fact, is lógos which creates diá-logos, and hence communication and communion. Truth, by enabling men and women to let go of their subjective opinions and impressions, allows them to move beyond cultural and historical limitations and to come together in the assessment of the value and substance of things. Truth opens and unites our minds in the lógos of love: this is the Christian proclamation and testimony of charity. In the present social and cultural context, where there is a widespread tendency to relativize truth, practising charity in truth helps people to understand that adhering to the values of Christianity is not merely useful but essential for building a good society and for true integral human development. A Christianity of charity without truth would be more or less interchangeable with a pool of good sentiments, helpful for social cohesion, but of little relevance. In other words, there would no longer be any real place for God in the world. Without truth, charity is confined to a narrow field devoid of relations. It is excluded from the plans and processes of promoting human development of universal range, in dialogue between knowledge and praxis.c)Barra min hekk, il-ħidma karitevoli nisranija m’għandhiex tkun skuża għal dak li llum jissejjaħ proselitiżmu. L-imħabba tingħata b’xejn u ma tingħatax għal skopi¬jiet ulterjuri. Dan ma jfissirx, b’danakollu, li l-ħidma nisranija għandha tħalli ’l Alla u lil Kristu fil-ġenb. L-insara għandhom ikunu jafu meta hu l-waqt li titkellem dwar Alla, u meta jaqbel li tibqa’ sieket u tħalli l-imħabba titkellem weħedha. L-innu lill-imħabba ta’ San Pawl irid ikun il-“Magna Charta” tal-qadi kollu tal-Knisja, u jħarsu milli jiddiġenera f’sempliċi attiviżmu. Il-Papa Benedittu XVI qal li l-użu tal-kondom huwa aċċettabbli f’ċerti każi, l-iktar biex jitnaqqas ir-riskju ta’ infezzjoni bl-HIV. Dawn il-kummenti u oħrajn jinsabu fi ktieb li kien ippubblikat fit-23 ta' Novembru 2010, intitolat ‘Id-dawl tad-Dinja:Il-Papa, il-Knisja u S-Sinjali taż-Żminijiet’ – ktieb ibbażat fuq serje ta’ intervisti li l-Papa ta lill-ġurnalist kattoliku Ġermaniż, Peter Seewald, li jingħad li hu eks komunista u li kkonverta għall-Kristjaneżmu wara laqgħat mal-Papa Ratsinger. Siltiet mill-ktieb kienu ppubblikati fil-gazzetta tal-Vatikan L’Osservatore Romano fil-ħarġa tal-20 ta' Novembru 2010. Meta kien mistoqsi direttament jekk il-Knisja Kattolika hix fundamentalment kontra l-użu tal-kondom, il-Papa qal li l-użu tal-kondom jista’ jkun ġustifikat skont il-każ partikolari, u dan partikolarment fil-prevenzjoni ta’ tixrid tal-mard bħall-HIV u l-AIDS. Fisser li l-Knisja, fil-kondom ma tarax soluzzjoni reali u morali. Żied li f’ċerti każi, fejn l-intenzjoni hi li jitnaqqas ir-riskju ta’ infezzjoni, jista’ jkun l-ewwel pass lejn ieħor, lejn sesswalita’ aktar umana.

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